Parent Links
PowerSchool Parent Access is available at
Alberta Education provides an assortment of parent information regarding education including:
School Councils
Through school councils, Albertans assume an advisory role in education matters ranging from academic programs to school policies and budgeting.
School Councils Handbook
The School Councils Handbook gives background information on school councils, how they should operate, and how they tie into the School Act. It also explains school council regulations and how membership should be set up.
Teaching - Excellence in Teaching Awards
Parents, teacher-colleagues, principals, superintendents and all Albertans are encouraged to show appreciation by nominating an outstanding teacher or principal for an Excellence in Teaching Award.
Curriculum Handbooks for Parents
Curriculum Handbooks for Parents and Curriculum Summaries contain information for parents on subjects, programs and courses available in Alberta schools. They are updated every year as changes are made to the curriculum.
Tips for Parents
Find useful topics for such topics as: preparing your child for the first day of school, helping with homework and getting your child prepared for high school, post-secondary and the world of work.
Some more links that may prove useful:
Homework Help
There are a variety of websites that provide information on helping your child with homework. They include the following: Discovery Homework Help---Homework Spot----Homework Centre----The New Homework
Internet awareness
Sometimes, the sheer volume of media and pop culture influences in our kids' lives can seem overwhelming. Use the resources in this website to learn how to talk to your kids about media, gain control of the home entertainment playground, and speak out as a consumer.